Wednesday, July 10, 2013


2 Corinthians 9:11
Yes, you will be enriched so that you can give even more generously. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will break out in thanksgiving to God.

July 12 is our Vision Partners DAY!
>>we are setting aside a DAY and will be praying for multiplied BLESSINGS upon you and family<<

with the help of God, 
     vision partners make things happen
with the help of God,
     vision partners makes things bit easier
with the help of God,
     vision partners fulfills the dreams God has given us to do.

VISION PARTNERS are dear friends.
VISION PARTNERS are believers of what we are called by God to do.




  • Vision PARTNERS are greatly needed in the areas of:
    • PRAYER 
      • for everything must begin and end in prayer as we are in God's Vineyard.  Vision Partnering begins here.  
      • The ministry is classified to be one of the most stressful work in the world!  Thanks for Vision Partners who makes things a bit easier to reach our Goals as we also minister to our families needs. 
      • One of the thrust of PARTNERSHIPS is getting resources from people that trusts you and believes in you.  Vision Partners are these kinds of people.
      • Vision Partners may support when there is sensible reports.  That's why it is good to ask, "How's the ministry doing?"

IF YOU ARE A PASTOR, you need to ... Start a NEW Personal Ministry called Vision Partnering. Continue to DEVELOP People into the Vision God has given you.  Always REALIZE that we need HELP to accomplish the God-given VISION that’s burning within our hearts.

IF YOU ARE NOT A PASTOR, ... Start a NEW Personal Ministry called Vision Partnering. FIND someone you can help out in reaching others on your behalf.  There are great LABORERS out there that need all your HELP to accomplish the God-given VISION that needs to be DONE in JESUS Name!

1 Timothy 6:!7, 18

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.  Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.



  • an entrance into the VISION


For those building VISION PARTNERS ...
  • Having a Clear Vision to share to others AND invite them to be a part of it.
  • Writing testimonies and stories to many people.
SKY IS THE LIMIT to this kind of Relationship Building:
  • You must have a Team of Partners (you have to recruit them)
  • You must have a suggestion on how they may Partner with you and your ministry.
  • You must have a letter written by both you and spouse.
  • You may have an assigned CODE for easy systematic allotments.                                       VISION PARTNERING must be made OFFICIAL through proper ADMINISTRATION Protocols for higher Transparency IF SO DESIRED (there are times that this is not a requirement).
  • You must have a contact number, email, web page.  It would be best if you have a BLOG.
  • You must have a referral letter from the Main Office or your Superiors.
  • You may request your Partners to pay through Check/s via the Ministry.
  • You may of course have direct givings / receivings of GIFTS.
  • You must be hand in hand with the Missions Department or Administration.
  • You must have a family picture and a family report or PRAYER LETTER :-)

What can you do now?

  • Listen to the TEACHING via LTS on Vision Partnering.
  • List people that LOVES you.
  • List people you want to SHARE the Vision to.
  • Start writing EXCELLENT letters and bulletins.
  • Never be ashamed to ASK; and Never be amiss in Thanking.
  • Give them STEPS on how and what and where to GIVE [this is very very very important] – you have to be ACCESSIBLE!
  • You have to be ACCOUNTABLE.
  • You must set aside 2 DAYS or more for the DEVELOPMENT of this PERSONAL Ministry …  every month!  (WRITE, WRITE, WRITE, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT; REPORT, REPORT, REPORT; ASK, ASK, ASK and be THANKFUL)
  • GIVE YOUR VISION PARTNERS gifts like:  OUR CURRENT REVEAL BOOKLET for their Quiet Times.  

are you ready to RECEIVE this BATON of idea from me?


Here is a Sample of MY SMS (pastor jr):
"Good pm.  My _bro .. Sis …_____.
May I recruit you to be My Vision Partner for Cebu for 3 months only? The 1st 3 months are really crucial.    Like a crop, like a marriage, like starting a business, like an experiment – the 1st 3 months are crucial.  May I get u from June to August only for the Cebu CHURCH PLANT? A Vision Partner Sponsors a Worker for either 1,000, 2,000 or 3,000 or more EVERY MONTH. Will you HELP me?"

  • Do know what happened?  To this SMS?  (I GOT Partners giving me for my needs in Cebu! ... and even in other Missions Endeavors)
  • I started a GREAT BASE of Vision PARTNERS … only with 1 TEXT Message.
  • Of course … they knew me personally already … they gave … some did give thousands others HUNDREDS!

Luke 10:7
If he is good … he will pay for himself.
If he is bad … he will pay for himself.


A Sample email Letter Below
from a CHURCH group here in the Philippines



Greetings ...

My name is xxxxxxxxxx, a Campus Missionary based in xxxxxxxxxx, Philippines.  I'm from xxxxxxxxxxNAME of CHURCH GROUP.

XXXXX is part of xxxxxxxxxx, a worldwide family of Churches.

Hope you will take time to read the attached letter regarding Ministry of Partnership Development.

Thank you very much.  God bless!

Romans 10:14- 15  “How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed?  And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach unless they are sent?”

Dear Friends ,

Greetings in Jesus’ name!
My wife, xxxxx, and I believe that the high school and college campus is one of the most strategic mission fields in the world today and that God has called us to reach young people who will eventually transform their generation with the power of Jesus Christ.

These students will be tomorrow’s leaders and the eventual shapers of our society.  For this reason, we realize that if we can change the lives of students on the campus today, we can eventually change the world.

xxxxx and I were both eternally changed because of those on the campus who took Jesus seriously when he said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”  As a result, our lives are a testimony to the power of God to radically impact young peoples lives through campus ministry.  The brochure I have included briefly describes how our lives were originally impacted for Christ on the college campus.

After I graduated in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Institute in 2004, we felt God increasing the burden on both of our hearts to impact this generation for Christ in a very hands-on and practical way.  We began to pray about the possibility of God calling us to full-time campus ministry.  Soon after, God answered our prayer by confirming in both of our hearts that He was calling us to reach every campus in xxxxxxxxxx City, Philippines to fulfill the Great Commission and to make disciples of all the nations through full-time campus ministry!

As of now, we have established life groups in major campuses and high schools in xxxxxxxx City, such as xxxxxxxxxxx University, xxxxxxxx University Foundation, Asian xxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx Science High School, and xxxxxxxx High School.  We are in faith to reach more this year.

You can be part of this exciting mission to reach the future leaders of our society and to impact the world for Jesus!  The Staff of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Campus Ministry has the opportunity and responsibility to develop the necessary funding to cover their involvement with the ministry.  Each staff member has a team of partners who join with them in the Great Commission and their ministry assignment through prayers and financial support.

I would like to ask you to consider becoming a member of our partnership team.  As partners with us, you not only invest in the Great Commission, but you also have a ministry together with us reaching young people around the world.

Would you prayerfully consider joining with xxxxxxxxx and me in reaching our generation for Christ through a monthly investment of P 5000, P 3000, or P 1000.

Please pray for me, as leading my wife and xxxxxxx children into this calling is the biggest step of faith I have ever taken.  But, I do believe God is leading, and therefore I know he will provide.  Thank you again for your interest.

Reaching this generation for Christ,


Hoping to hear from you soon and let us know what you have decided and feel free to call or email us to share a little more about our involvement as well as answer any question you may have.

God bless you richly!


Code: S1sxx45
Mobile No. (63) 9xxxxxxxxxxx

Please check out our website:  www.CHURCHWEBSITE OFFICIAL

For your support you can make CHECKS payable to His Life Ministries.
For direct giving plan:  Pls. visit


Ministry Partner Development
A Guide to Successful Fund Raising

“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in 
Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:19

Welcome to the Ministry Partner Development (MPD) process. 
Get ready for your faith to be stretched as you trust the Lord to raise your money for this special event! This packet is designed to help you make the most of your fund raising experience. Sections A-F are specifically designed for the letter phone strategy, the most effective and proven method to raising your money for single events.

Section G is helpful if you run out of people to invite to give toward your cause; Section H will help you consider how you can leverage technology to connect with some who may not respond to a mailed letter. Section I explains what to do with your donations so please pay close attention. Please keep in mind that no matter what method you use, follow up will be the deal breaker. If you fail to plan a good follow up strategy, then you are planning to fail in your efforts to trust the Lord to bring in your needed funds. 

There is also important information for you regarding the processing of your donations in your 
information packet. Please be sure that you have carefully read those three pages of the “Financial Information and FAQs” before reading through the rest of this packet. 


Your first step in developing the needed funding to attend your event is to bring your needs to the Lord. If God has called you to participate in this event (and we believe that He has), then He will provide the financial resources. Our heavenly Father knows what we need before we even ask Him (Matthew 6:8). 
God has already chosen the people that He wants to partner with you. Your job now is to let your family and friends know of your needs and trust God to provide (Philippians 4:19) through them. 


Start by developing an initial list of potential ministry partners and ask the Lord to bring to your mind the names of individuals that you can ask to partner with you for this event. We have provided a category list to assist you with this exercise. As with brainstorming, in namestorming there is one cardinal rule -- anything goes. No name is unqualified. Don’t decide for an individual whether or not he or she is interested. If you limit yourself to those you feel will or can give, you may prematurely disqualify those who God wants to use to meet your need. 

You may be thinking you could never generate more than a handful of names, but research has shown the average individual has a personal network of at least 400 friends and acquaintances. So, you should easily be able to develop a list of at least 200 potential ministry partners from church, school in the present and past, doctors, lawyers, family friends and many others.

After taking an hour or so for name storming, label each name in priority as either “ML” for Most Likely, “L” for Likely, and “LL” for Least Likely. These designations refer to your evaluation of how likely they are to give. Start by contacting your most-likely people first, and then work through your likely and then least-likely people. But contact all of them. 

1. Parents
2. Brothers
3. Sisters
4. Labor union representatives
5. Former employers
6. Former customers
7. Relatives
8. Friends of parents
9. Accountants
10. Former salesmen
11. Architects
12. Avon lady
13. Florist
14. Mailman
15. Missionary societies
16. Banker
17. Parents’ employers
18. Parents’ associates
19. Former college professors
20. Former high school teachers
21. Sorority sisters
22. Fraternity brothers
23. High school & college friends
24. Dentist
25. Dental hygienist
26. Doctor
27. Doctor’s nurse
28. Dermatologist
29. Dermatologist’s nurse
30. Service station manager
31. Kiwanis club
 32. Rotary Club Hospital personnel
33. Community leaders
34. Milkman
35. Family attorney
36. Christian business groups
37. Beautician
38. Barber
39. Church friends
40. Policemen
41. Foundations
42. Garbage collector
43. Wedding lists
44. Neighbors
45. Neighbors at former residence
46. Shoe salesman
47. Editor of local paper
48. Butcher
49. Baker
50. Advertising agencies
51. TV/radio stations
52. Bottling companies
53. Printers
54. Plumber
55. Servicemen
56. Tax men
57. Retired people
58. Bible bookstore
59. Insurance salesman
60. Morticians
61. Bank presidents
62. Coach
63. Teammates
64. Realtors
65. Veterinarian
66. Grocery store
67. Apartment manager
68. Real estate agent
69. Dog clipper
70. Civic clubs
71. Mayor or other civic leaders
72. Church missionary committee
73. Sunday school class
74. Church directories
75. Pastors
76. Downtown businesses
77. Church-related news ads
78. Military personnel
79. Bible or prayer groups
80. Christmas card list
81. Chamber of Commerce directory
82. People you’ve led to Christ
83. Referrals
84. Telephone directories
85. Engineers
86. Farmers
87. Eye doctor
88. Fellow students
89. Ministry staff
90. Those who’ve spiritually influenced you

D: WRITING THE LETTER (Keep it to one page)
While it would be best to send a handwritten letter to each person, it’s not always feasible to handwrite letters to everyone. Since most people have access to a computer, you can print the same letter to each person, personalize the salutation, and sign it. Printing keeps it looking fresh and original. Please do not send people photocopied letters. You will see much success by following up with a phone call to everyone who does not initially respond to your letter by the due date that you set.
Be sure that your signature and the P.S. is hand written. The following are items that all letters should include:
1. A specific date.
2. A personal, not “Dear Friend”. If you handwrite the letter, then handwrite your greeting.
3. Your connection to the reader. What can you say that will help the person identify with you? Refer to your last visit or letter, business concerns, sports interests, known struggles, hobbies, etc., to help him say, “I know who you are.”
4. Your current status. Bring your reader up to date on what you’re doing.
5. Explanation about your event: its purpose, why you’ve decided to participate, and what you hope to accomplish by going.
6. Info about your need. The purpose of your letter is to give your reader an opportunity to help. Make sure you explain exactly what you need.
7. A request to invest in you based on the needs you have shared. Challenge him to cover part of the cost of the event, stating the deadline by which you need the money, sharing the benefits to you and to the reader as the need is met. Specific action includes not only your request, but also your commitment to follow up by telephone if they do not respond by mail.
8. Acknowledge your relationship again with an emphasis on thanks, appreciation, gratitude, partnership and commitment. This ties your opening acknowledgment to your request.
9. Close the letter and sign it.
10. Add a “P.S.” Commit yourself to a specific action you will be taking. (Example: “I’ll be calling you on May 1st, if I don’t hear from you by April 25th.”) If you are sending a printed letter, write your P.S. in a contrasting color of ink.
Sample Letter (for a summer mission)

 March 1, 2012

 Dear Mark and Brittany,
How are you? 

I thought of you a lot this past week as I reminisced over the family reunion. 
Didn’t Madea throw down on those greens, and how about Uncle Billy’s barbecued ribs? I miss you all! 
 By way of reminder, I am studying at Spellman College. As a Christian student, I want to invest my lifehelping to meet the spiritual needs of my peers. I’ve been growing in my faith through my involvement with a ministry on my campus called The Impact Movement. 
The Impact Movement is designed to equip people of African descent to take the truth of Jesus Christ to their campus, community, and the world by producing leaders of African descent who are spiritually focused, financially responsible and morally fit. Since being involved, I’ve been challenged to give of my time, talents, and treasures to reach out to those around me. I am so grateful for the ways that God has used this ministry to encourage me in my spiritual journey and commitment to God. 
This year, The Impact Movement is sponsoring its 12th national conference in New Orleans, LA,December 28, 2012 through January 1, 2013.Young people like me will join together for three and a half days to hear from gifted Bible teachers, attend seminars, and participate in praise and worship, outreach and so much more! I can hardly wait to get there and I am looking forward to seeing thousands like me get excited about Jesus! 
It is my desire to return [from this experience] or [to my college] more prepared to face the challenges that [life] [college] brings as I help take the truth of Jesus Christ to my community. [Use the appropriate phrases that apply to your situation upon returning]
To be able to attend, I need to develop a team of ministry partners: people who will join with me by giving financially and praying for me. The total amount I need to raise is approximately $. The funds will cover the costs of transportation, food, hotel and registration. To meet this goal as quickly as possible, I am asking for gifts of $75, $50, or some other amount.
Would you consider partnering with me financially? If the Lord is leading you to give, then 
please make your check or money order payable to The Impact Movement and enclose it in the envelope provided by December 3, 2012. [If applicable, change the due date for each batch of letters you mail] In compliance with IRS regulations, Impact respectfully request that you do not write my name anywhere on the check or money order. All gifts are tax deductible.
Whatever you are able to give will be really appreciated. Thank you so much [their name] for taking the time to read this letter and prayerfully consider my need. 
Yours in Christ,
(Your signature)
P.S. If I do not hear from you by December 3, I will give you a call to find out what you have decided and to answer any questions you may have. [If applicable, change the date for each batch of letters you mail]
1. Pray -- ask the Lord to provide you with funds as you step out in faith and ask people to give. 
Do not apologize for writing or calling a person whom you wish to involve in helping you meet a need. You are providing him with an opportunity to be involved in a spiritual ministry through his resources. Remember, the giver needs to give far more than any person or cause needs to receive a gift. "Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek the profit which increases to your account" (Philippians 4:17). When you apologize, you end up appearing to be a beggar rather than a child of the King!
2. Always ask for a specific amount with a time frame in which to take action.
Ask people to give a specific amount or range. The specific challenge of $75, $50 or some other amount has been included in this material. If people want to give but cannot give at least $50, they will let you know and not be offended by your request.
3. Never use group slang without first explaining what you mean (i.e., Impact Movement or Campus Crusade, sharing The Passage or The Four Laws, etc).
4. Always enclose a self addressed, return envelope for a quick and easy response. Research shows that the easier you make it, the higher the response rate will be. So, make sure to include this critical element. However, a stamp is not necessary to place on the envelope.
5. Do not wait until the last minute to get your letters out. Be sure that you allow enough time to follow up the letters. It isn’t realistic to send a letter to 40 people 
in one mailing and promise to call them all by the same date! It dishonors the Lord because you will not be able to keep your word. Send group mailings of 20 at a time and give yourself a week from the date that you send them to follow up with a phone call. However, don’t forget to change the date that you will call them by for each new set of mailings you send out. The best time to mail your letter is the day after Thanksgiving. Then call back the next weekend. 
6. Print your letter
Make sure you have enough envelopes and stamps to mail them.
7. Mail your letter along with a self-addressed envelope to those who are too far away to allow for a personal visit. 
Give them a couple of days after receiving the letter, to pray and think it over. Call them and ask for a decision and answer any questions. It is definitely worth the investment you have to make a long distance call. Ask them to mail the check to you the next day, if possible. 
8. Save your receipts for travel and bring them with you to your event location. If you raise the funds to 
cover this cost (in addition to your event fees), then you can be reimbursed for these expenses. 
9. Lastly, ask everyone to pray for you and be sure to bring back a report for those who gave you a 
financial gift. Please keep your report to ONE PAGE (including photos and graphics)!
The degree of your success in the letter writing strategy depends on your follow up call. The follow up phone call is critical for three reasons.
1. Most people suffer from "Information Overload." Consequently, mail is easy to ignore or forget.
2. Your time frame. You have a lot of money to raise in a short period of time. A follow up phone call will help you get decisions as quickly as possible.
3. Courtesy to your sponsors. Many people will want to help you but won't unless you answer their questions. Your phone call takes the burden of response off them and puts it on you.
NOTE: It might be a good idea to have a copy of your letter on hand as a reference point. The sample letter is the context for this script:
1. Introduce yourself.
Hello, this is calling. How are you? [Let him respond]. Take a few moments to establish 
rapport but be brief.
2. Explain your reason for calling. If he has not opened the letter, continue the conversation by telling him what the letter was about. If he has, then continue with the statement below:
"As I mentioned in my letter, I am planning to attend the national conference with The Impact Movement.”
3. Share what you hope to see God do as a result of your time. (Reiterate or elaborate on this portion of your letter)
 “For this time, I want to trust the Lord to…”
4. Be very specific to ask for a definite response.
"In my letter, I mentioned that I'm in the process of developing a team of partners to help me attend a national conference with The Impact Movement. I asked you to consider becoming a ministry partner through possibly giving $75, $50, or some other amount. How has God led you in this regard?”
[Let them respond and wait for an answer. Do not interrupt their thoughts!]
NOTE: For any response to giving that you receive, always ask them to refer you to other people. 
(Section G-3)
YES to giving:
● Ask if they would be in a position to write the check “today” and arrange a time to stop by and pick it up. This should always be your first option. 
● If they live out of town, ask them to mail it to you in the self addressed stamped envelope you enclosed with your letter. 
● If the check doesn't arrive as expected, you will need to follow up with a phone call within the week. 
● The check must made be payable to The Impact Movement.
MAYBE to giving: 
● Set another time to call within a day or two to get a decision. Respond appropriately to 
their answer
NO to giving: 
● Thank him for their consideration and ask them to pray for you 
During this fund raising process, you may run out of people to contact before you meet your goal. What do you do then? You can continue to add names to your list of potential sponsors. 
1. Who to ask for additional names
● Ask everyone who joins your partnership team and those who are unable to help you complete your team.
2. When to ask for additional names
● After you ask someone to give, wait for a decision, and then ask for other names. If you do not wait, your request for names will distract them from making their financial decision.
3. How to ask for additional names either in person or on the phone
3. How to ask for additional names either in person or on the phone

 ●    Get your pencil and pad out and be ready to write.

●    Say, “There is another important way that you can help. I’m really excited about this trip and reaching my goal. But I don’t know enough people to tell about this. We find that regardless of a person’s ability to give, everyone is encouraged to hear about my involvement. If you had this opportunity, who are five others would you ask to be a part of it?”

●    This type of question cannot be answered by yes or no and it keeps the person from making a value judgment about another person’s ability to give.

●    On the other hand, do not use close-ended or yes and no questions. For example do not say, "Do you know anyone who would be interested" or "Can you tell me the names of...”

4. Suggest one category at a time and wait for a response. Give the person time to come up with as many names as possible, but lead the conversation by suggesting categories (From the name-
storming section). “Perhaps, you know some people from church.” "Whom do you sit with at little league?” We strongly recommend that you practice asking for names with a friend.

5. Once you have the names, ask for addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses but not before then. You do not want to disrupt the brain storming process.

6. If they are hesitant, assure the individual that his friends may or may not be able to help financially but they may know others. That gives the individual more freedom to refer you to others. Don’t push though.

7. Often a partner will be willing to call the people he has referred you to, adding to your credibility. If you sense an individual may be willing, suggest that he do so. This should be your first option after getting referrals.

8. If a call isn’t possible, then ask if it would be okay to use their name when you call their friends. Mr. Wilson, would it be okay to use your name when I call your friend?”


With so many ways to connect with individuals today, we want you to be wise to leverage technology to invite people to give towards our event. It’s a nice compliment to the letter phone strategy but should not completely replace that method. Keep in mind that reading a letter electronically is a different experience than reading a letter in the mail. Therefore, you want to post enough info to generate interest. In other words, keep it brief. As stated before, be sure that you have an effective plan for following up those you contact.

1. Facebook or other social networks
●    If you invite friends to a group or fan page, post only a paragraph about your opportunity, not a whole letter.

●    Call them to talk more about it and invite them to give. Or send them a Facebook message to make arrangements to connect. Either way, use the info from the sample letter to give them a context for joining you financially.
●    Do not ask people to commit to giving on your FB page.
●    Do not ask people to call you if they’re interested. It is your responsibility to call them.
○    Because some have thousands of Facebook friends, calling everyone isn’t realistic. Select friends using the name-storming criteria (Section B) and call them.
●    Do not post an “all call to give” status on your wall.

The principle: If you ask everyone to respond to your fund raising appeal in a public forum, generally speaking, not many will because all will assume that everyone is giving!

2. YouTube
●    Create a YouTube “journal” and use the info from the sample letter to set up the video.
●    In the video, explain what you are doing and why you sense God wants you to attend the event, and finally how people can partner with you.
●    Be sure to mention in the video that you will be calling them back for their decision.
●    Send the link to those who prefer electronic communication, give them a couple of days to view it and follow up with a phone call.
●    You can also post the video on your Facebook page but you will have more people to follow up about their decision.

3. Blogs
●    Set up a blog that incorporates a summary of your special event plans using info from the sample letter. Post the video on the site with a link to your e-mail address.

4. Web cam
●    You might consider “meeting” with someone through a web cam interface and sharing about your event. Follow the same format as the YouTube bullet points!

5. E-mail
●    If you use e-mail, send the letter as an attachment and not as e-mail text. Remember, no one wants to read long e-mail messages.
●    Treat this similarly to the letter/phone strategy in Sections A-F.

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